So as I said in my last post that I took on a HUGE list of things to make for people for Christmas. I would like to be able to make everyone something to give to them. I got my list together started to find patterns and pair up yarn. I then started up a TON of projects, this is usually my downfall lack of focus on one project until it is completed. So after a week into my goal I have lots of things started but not very much completed.
Currently on needles and hooks:
I am still working on the Winter is Coming scarf for myself bit it has taken a back burner.
I have two shawls in the works one for my step mom and one for my sister in law.
I started a camo hat for my husband but I am not liking where it is going and will find a different pattern and maybe even different yarn.
still working the blanket for my other sister in law this one will probably take me the most of the weeks we have left. I will work on it bit by bit so not to get burnt out.
I almost always have a few wash cloths and loofahs going.
I completed a reusable grocery bag that Andi suggested we make and use as gift bags and a secondary gift. It was pretty simple but I think these should also take a back burner until I get most of the gifts completed.
I will continue to update progress as I go and hope to get more completed this week :)