Thursday, February 18, 2016

Weekend Fun - Cable Afghan & Scrap Yarn Project

This past weekend I decided that I needed to work on some of my almost finished knitting projects.  I got to the edging on the Cable Afghan I started while pregnant with my second son.  It looks really sophisticated and grown up.  I cannot wait to see what it looks like when I finish the boarder.

Here are some of my favorite squares along with my cat Prince Rhaegar. He loves to help me knit and crochet

I also started a scrap yarn project with Andi.  It is a basket weave crochet afghan where you just keep adding in yarn as you run out.  It looks really neat to see the colors fade in and out.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

New Projects

I almost always think about starting a new project, even though I have so many unfinished at the moment.  Why is that?  I have been toying with the idea of starting a new Pop tab purse.  Everyone seems to love them but there is so much work and time that goes into them.  I might just have to flip a coin finish some projects or take on another huge purse project again.  I still have tons of materials left to make them.

Maybe I finish up the last (LATE) Christmas presents and then try and see if it speaks to me.   I have this cube of projects sitting beside me maybe I focus on those and clear space in the brain for more creativity.  I sometimes wish it did not feel like I have a million tabs open in my brain browser.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Gift Wrap Up

I never got to post all the wonderful things that I made for my friends and family for Christmas.  Thinks are always so busy around that time of year and just now seem to be calming down a little.

Here are some of the shawls/wraps I made

I oldest son got a Shark Pod and a set of Ninja Turtle Hats

I also completed 4 Pop Tab wristlets:

My youngest son got a blanket I have been working on for years.

I have an afghan I am still working on :(

Monday, February 8, 2016

Brioche Knitting

There were a few things I told myself I wanted to learn this year.

Continental Knitting
Brioche Knitting
How to play the Violin
and get my NASM CPT or Personal Trainer Certification to name a few.

Well I have had some ups and downs and life is as always crazy but here is where I stand.

I tried and tried continental knitting and kept having issues with tension and could never get it to work.  I put this in the back of my head and said I will come back lets move on and see what Brioche has in store.  I could not read the patterns not knowing what a Bark and Burp really meant.  So I am sitting here thinking I am 0-2 this year so far.  I go where I almost always go to learn things YouTube.  Things finally started to click and I was able to make patterns make sense to me, but here is the kicker, I could only do Brioche in continental Knitting!!! I somehow killed two techniques with one set of needles.  Now mind you I have not yet tried continental on anything but brioche yet but I hope that after a project it will be like second nature to me.

On a personal note I have had great progress with my nutrition and exercise and I am finally moving in the right direction in a slow steady rate.  I am down 20 lbs since the birth of my second child and cannot wait to get to my goal.  IIFYM has really been a life saver to me.

Here are some pictures of my brioche testing pieces.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

2016 - New year

Well here is starts a new year and with that new beginnings.  I like everyone else have certain things they want to achieve this year and one of those on my LONG list is blogging more and becoming more consistent.  So we all have busy lives and lots of things on our plates, but I want this year to be the year I get all the ifs, questions, list sorted and completed.  Starting I will put some of my list here and the keep a running log of when things complete.

I want to learn continental knitting
I want to learn brioche knitting
I want to complete my Christmas knitting well before crunch time.

Get my best body yet
Get my NASM CPT (certified personal trainer) certification.
Start helping others with Macros and getting fit.

keep clean.

Just a few of my list but I am going to take small chunks here to make sure I get more done this year than added to my list.

I would like to post here at least once a week if not more and have better quality post and pictures of my projects.

Cheers to a new year and maybe great happiness come to all.


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

15 Weeks and Counting

I have not posted in a while but here are the newer projects that I have been working on and updated on what I have completed.

I completed the Mara Shawl I really enjoyed working on it and when I was finished I felt a bit of loss for what to work on next.

I started some Pop- wristlets for a few of the people on my list. This are working up quick and look so sharp.

I have more progress on the afghan for my sister in law the colors together remind me of Dallas Cowboys.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

20 Weeks til Christmas

So as I said in my last post that I took on a HUGE list of things to make for people for Christmas.  I would like to be able to make everyone something to give to them.  I got my list together started to find patterns and pair up yarn.  I then started up a TON of projects, this is usually my downfall lack of focus on one project until it is completed.  So after a week into my goal I have lots of things started but not very much completed.

Currently on needles and hooks:

I am still working on the Winter is Coming scarf for myself bit it has taken a back burner.

I have two shawls in the works one for my step mom and one for my sister in law.

I started a camo hat for my husband but I am not liking where it is going and will find a different pattern and maybe even different yarn.

still working the blanket for my other sister in law this one will probably take me the most of the weeks we have left.  I will work on it bit by bit so not to get burnt out.

I almost always have a few wash cloths and loofahs going.

I completed a reusable grocery bag that Andi suggested we make and use as gift bags and a secondary gift.  It was pretty simple but I think these should also take a back burner until I get most of the gifts completed.

I will continue to update progress as I go and hope to get more completed this week :)